Tax Solutions - One Problem, One Solution

In every information product, we explain the issue, the problem (pain point), a proposed solution, and steps to implement the solution.

How can a Taxpayer Establish their Tax Compliance Levels?

All taxpayers are expected to be tax-compliant, and failure results in consequences, including financial. This information product explains 11 steps any business can take to establish tax compliance levels.This will help the business:

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11 Secret Steps To Improve Tax Compliance in 30 Days

How can a Taxpayer Improve Tax Compliance and Avoid Extra Tax Payments in 30 Days?

Low tax compliance levels have consequences. In this information product, you will learn how to improve tax compliance levels in your business. This will enable you:

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11 Key Indicators of Tax Audit Preparedness

What are the Indicators of Tax Audit Preparedness in a Taxpayer’s Business?

Taxpayers will be audited at one time or another. It is therefore important to prepare for that tax audit. This information product has 11 key indicators as evidence of your tax audit preparedness. This information product will help you:

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Ultimate Key Strategies

What Precautions can Taxpayers take to Ensure that they won’t Suffer Tax Consequences?

When a taxpayer is put under audit, they are expected to provide evidence of tax compliance. This information product has 11 strategies any business can take to mitigate the potential risk and loss during tax audits. Some of the benefits of this product are:

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5 steps how to prepare for a tax audit

What 5 Steps can a Taxpayer Take as they Wait for a Tax Audit?

Many taxpayers are not sure of the outcomes of any tax audit, and a lot of time is wasted during the audits. This information product has 5 crucial steps to help you prepare for the tax audit and enable you to:

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Church 7 Best Tax Compliance Steps

What Steps can the Church take to Improve Tax Compliance and Avoid Extra Payments?

Churches are expected to be tax compliant to avoid tax-non compliance consequences. This information product has 7 steps any Church can take to:

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Fringe Benefit Tax

How can an Employer Establish a Fringe Benefit Tax on an Employee’s Compensation?

All taxpayers are expected to pay fringe benefit tax on benefits to employees and directors. This information product will find help you:

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Tax Exemptions

How can a Tax-exempt Organisation Manage and Minimise the Risk?

There are taxpayers with tax exemptions, including Churches. It is important to manage the tax exemptions and minimize risks, including tax risk. In this information product, there are 11 steps you can take to establish whether you are managing tax exemptions. This will enable you to:

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Instalment Tax Steps to Take to Minimize Risk

How can Taxpayers Establish an Instalment Tax Amount?

Income tax is supposed to be paid on an instalment basis. In this information product, you will learn how to establish and pay instalment tax. This will help you:

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Do You Have Accounts Receivable in Your Business?

Many businesses have accounts receivable. From this information product, you will learn about the basic of accounts receivable, the benefits, problems and apportunities. This will enable you to:

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Rental Income

Are you Paying Extra Taxes by not Utilising Allowed Deductions?

Expenditure towards generation of taxable income is allowed but with specified exemptions. In this information product we examine 15 allowed deductions. This will allow you to:

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